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US Native Reed and Rush Seeds

When we hear terms like Reeds and Rushes we tend to think of seeds that thrive in areas that have a lot of water like rivers, wetlands, or swamps. This is very true, and most of these native grass seeds for sale will thrive in a wet place with hydric soils. The Juncus family which includes Path Rush is an exception to this general rule of thumb, because we have grown it successfully year after year in a mesic/dry soil in our production fields
When we hear terms like Reeds and Rushes we tend to think of seeds that thrive in areas that have a lot of water like rivers, wetlands, or swamps. This is very true, and most of these native grass seeds for sale will thrive in a wet place with hydric soils. The Juncus family which includes Path Rush is an exception to this general rule of thumb, because we have grown it successfully year after year in a mesic/dry soil in our production fields