
Wildflowers - China Aster Seeds

Producing a brilliant spectrum of eye-catching color, China Aster wildflower seeds will provide enjoyment all summer into fall. The carefree annual is appreciated for its variety in size and flower type, including feathery heads, compact puffs, or miniature buttons. The long-lasting bloooms make excellent cut flowers for farmer's market or children's fair project. While adaptable to many soil types, watch carefully for pests and disease.
Producing a brilliant spectrum of eye-catching color, China Aster wildflower seeds will provide enjoyment all summer into fall. The carefree annual is appreciated for its variety in size and flower type, including feathery heads, compact puffs, or miniature buttons. The long-lasting bloooms make excellent cut flowers for farmer's market or children's fair project. While adaptable to many soil types, watch carefully for pests and disease.