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Wildflowers - Coreopsis Seeds

Coreopsis seeds are easy to grow, and produce large yellow blooms that work well as cut flowers. Some of these species can be grown as an annual if planted soon enough in the spring, while others are slower growing perennials that need some time and space to bring forth their beauty. Coreopsis flowers (also known as tickseed) grow wild in the Great Plains, and so have adapted to drought conditions, and can thrive even on dry, sandy soil. They produce a lot of seeds, and readily self sow themselves for the next year's show. We have grown these in our fields and have never been disappointed.
Coreopsis seeds are easy to grow, and produce large yellow blooms that work well as cut flowers. Some of these species can be grown as an annual if planted soon enough in the spring, while others are slower growing perennials that need some time and space to bring forth their beauty. Coreopsis flowers (also known as tickseed) grow wild in the Great Plains, and so have adapted to drought conditions, and can thrive even on dry, sandy soil. They produce a lot of seeds, and readily self sow themselves for the next year's show. We have grown these in our fields and have never been disappointed.