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Herbs - Basil Seeds

Basil is a large family with a lot of diverse children. Basil seed is a staple for planting in any kitchen herb garden because it is easy to grow, and it has a lot of varieties and uses. It is usually grown as an annual in cold climates, though it will last longer in warm climates. Basil is usually grown for a fresh garnish added to gourmet cooking. It is best used when fresh because it loses most of its flavor when dried. In addition to the flavor that fresh basil adds to food, it also creates a fresh visual appeal. If you want some variety in flavors, aromas, colors, and textures, buy herb seeds like Licorice Basil or Purple Ruffles Basil. If you are limited on space for growing plants, then the Spicy Globe Basil is your friend, as it grows in a very compact form, as is suitable for container growing. Explore our selection of basil seeds to plant below!
Basil is a large family with a lot of diverse children. Basil seed is a staple for planting in any kitchen herb garden because it is easy to grow, and it has a lot of varieties and uses. It is usually grown as an annual in cold climates, though it will last longer in warm climates. Basil is usually grown for a fresh garnish added to gourmet cooking. It is best used when fresh because it loses most of its flavor when dried. In addition to the flavor that fresh basil adds to food, it also creates a fresh visual appeal. If you want some variety in flavors, aromas, colors, and textures, buy herb seeds like Licorice Basil or Purple Ruffles Basil. If you are limited on space for growing plants, then the Spicy Globe Basil is your friend, as it grows in a very compact form, as is suitable for container growing. Explore our selection of basil seeds to plant below!