
Hearts of Gold Melon Seeds

Cucumis melo

5.00 (3 reviews)


Sowing: Melons must not be planted until the soil temperature has warmed to 70-80 degrees F, since they thrive in heat. Start the plants indoors only 2-4 weeks before transplanting, since if the plants grow too large they have difficulty adjusting to the change. Sow several Hearts of Gold melon seeds 1/2" deep in each peat pot, and keep them at 75 degrees until they germinate. Thin to the strongest plant in each pot by cutting off the others. Gradually accustom the plants to outdoor temperatures by setting them outside during the day, then transplant them to hills 4-6' apart with 2-3 plants to a hill. For companion planting benefits, plant melons near corn but not potatoes.

Growing: In cooler climates, melons may benefit from black plastic to warm the soil; mulch also helps to conserve necessary moisture, control weeds, and keep the melons clean. Adequate moisture is particularly crucial as the vines begin to develop. After midsummer, pinch off blossoms and smaller fruits in order to direct the full energy to the larger fruits; the smaller fruits will not have time to ripen before frost, and are no great loss. Heart of Gold melons are especially blight resistant.

Harvesting: As the melon ripens, it will turn a slightly golden color and become fragrant; the stem should come off easily, and the blossom end should be slightly soft. The melon will keep for several weeks in a cool place. Hearts of Gold vines are very productive, giving 5-7 melons per plant.

Seed Saving: When saving seed from melons, keep in mind that they will cross pollinate with other varieties of melon but not with watermelon, cucumbers, or squash. Hearts of Gold melon seeds mature when the fruit is ripe; cut open the fruit and put the pulp that contains the seeds into a bowl. Work it with your fingers to separate the seeds from the pulpy fibers. Add enough water so that the pulp and the hollow seeds will float; remove the floating material, and the good seeds will remain at the bottom of the bowl. Rinse them well, then spread them out to dry completely. Store Hearts of Gold melon seeds in a cool, dry place for up to five years.


Latin Name: Cucumis melo

Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Warm Season

USDA Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Seeds per Ounce: 1,000

Planting Method: Direct Sow

Sunlight: Full Sun

Height: 14 Inches

Color: Orange

Hearts of Gold Melon Seeds 5.0
Review By Melon mama

Yum melons

We have had a Truck farm at the same location on the side of the road since 1908. We are known to be the only place around that only grows the hearts of gold cantaloupe melons. People ask for them by name and thanks to you we do not have to disappoint them because the seeds are getting harder and harder to find Thsnkyou thank you so much for with this fabulous product!

Hearts of Gold Melon Seeds 5.0
Review By Ginger Hutchings

Thank you

I bought theses seeds and alot of others, to early to put in the ground but ill tell you that the service, on line ordering and the mylar packaging is fantastic. Caint wait to see them grow i would recommend them to any serious homesteader. As we all know saving the seeds from year to year in the paper wrappers that all the big name seed houses use, just dont hold up!
Thank you Everwilde !

Hearts of Gold Melon Seeds 5.0
Review By Bryan Briscoe


Can't wait to try these seeds this spring

Size Price Quantity
XL Mylar Packet (~50 Seeds) $3.48 -+
1 Oz Mylar (~1,000 Seeds) $7.52 -+
1/4 Lb Mylar (113g) $14.21 -+
1 Lb Mylar (454g) $39.00 -+
5 Lb Mylar (2.27kg) $175.50 -+
10 Lb Bulk Bag (4.54kg) $312.00 -+
25 Lb Bulk Bag (11.3kg) $741.00 -+
50 Lb Bulk Bag (22.7kg) $1,404.00 -+
100 Lb Bulk Bag (45.4kg) $2,730.00 -+
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IN-STOCK ORDERS SHIP WITHIN THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. The vigorous, blight resistant vines of this melon variety are very productive and deliver nice 4 pound melons. Hearts of Gold melons are packed with delicious, thick flesh that is orange in color. It only takes about 80 days to grow these melons to a ripened treat.
In the 1930s, Hearts of Gold was without a doubt the most popularly grown variety of melon for the midwest market. Originally, this melon was developed by Roland Morrill of Benton Harbor, MI and trademarked in 1914.


Sowing: Melons must not be planted until the soil temperature has warmed to 70-80 degrees F, since they thrive in heat. Start the plants indoors only 2-4 weeks before transplanting, since if the plants grow too large they have difficulty adjusting to the change. Sow several Hearts of Gold melon seeds 1/2" deep in each peat pot, and keep them at 75 degrees until they germinate. Thin to the strongest plant in each pot by cutting off the others. Gradually accustom the plants to outdoor temperatures by setting them outside during the day, then transplant them to hills 4-6' apart with 2-3 plants to a hill. For companion planting benefits, plant melons near corn but not potatoes.

Growing: In cooler climates, melons may benefit from black plastic to warm the soil; mulch also helps to conserve necessary moisture, control weeds, and keep the melons clean. Adequate moisture is particularly crucial as the vines begin to develop. After midsummer, pinch off blossoms and smaller fruits in order to direct the full energy to the larger fruits; the smaller fruits will not have time to ripen before frost, and are no great loss. Heart of Gold melons are especially blight resistant.

Harvesting: As the melon ripens, it will turn a slightly golden color and become fragrant; the stem should come off easily, and the blossom end should be slightly soft. The melon will keep for several weeks in a cool place. Hearts of Gold vines are very productive, giving 5-7 melons per plant.

Seed Saving: When saving seed from melons, keep in mind that they will cross pollinate with other varieties of melon but not with watermelon, cucumbers, or squash. Hearts of Gold melon seeds mature when the fruit is ripe; cut open the fruit and put the pulp that contains the seeds into a bowl. Work it with your fingers to separate the seeds from the pulpy fibers. Add enough water so that the pulp and the hollow seeds will float; remove the floating material, and the good seeds will remain at the bottom of the bowl. Rinse them well, then spread them out to dry completely. Store Hearts of Gold melon seeds in a cool, dry place for up to five years.


Latin Name: Cucumis melo

Type: Open Pollinated, Heirloom, Warm Season

USDA Zones: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12

Seeds per Ounce: 1,000

Planting Method: Direct Sow

Sunlight: Full Sun

Height: 14 Inches

Color: Orange


Global Rating: 5.00 from 3 reviews

Review By Melon mama

Yum melons

We have had a Truck farm at the same location on the side of the road since 1908. We are known to be the only place around that only grows the hearts of gold cantaloupe melons. People ask for them by name and thanks to you we do not have to disappoint them because the seeds are getting harder and harder to find Thsnkyou thank you so much for with this fabulous product!


Review By Ginger Hutchings

Thank you

I bought theses seeds and alot of others, to early to put in the ground but ill tell you that the service, on line ordering and the mylar packaging is fantastic. Caint wait to see them grow i would recommend them to any serious homesteader. As we all know saving the seeds from year to year in the paper wrappers that all the big name seed houses use, just dont hold up!
Thank you Everwilde !


Review By Bryan Briscoe


Can't wait to try these seeds this spring