This wildflower is native to the US; it existed here in the wild prior to European settlement.
This wildflower was introduced into the US from another country, and may have naturalized here.
This wildflower takes average growingskill, and may have special germination requirements.
This wildflower takes advanced growing skill, and may be very slow or difficult to grow.
This wildflower needs a full sun location with at least 6-8 hours of sunlight per day.
This wildflower needs a part sun location with at least 4-6 hours of sunlight per day.
This wildflower needs a shady location with a maximum of 3 hours of sunlight per day.
This wildflower needs a wet soil with standing water or boggy conditions most of the year.
This wildflower needs a medium soil with average drainage most of the year.
This wildflower needs a dry or sandy location with very good drainage most of the year.
This wildflower attractsbutterflies.
This wildflower attracts hummingbirds.
This wildflower is not usually attractive to deer.
This wildflower makes a good cut flower.
This wildflower has aromatic qualities.