You may have noticed some of our seed varieties state the need to be planted in late fall or “stratified” prior to spring planting. But what, you ask yourself, is stratification and how do you do it accurately? Natural Stratification – By planting in the fall, nature takes its course …
Seed Starting
How to Stratify Your Seeds
Weekend Gardening Inspiration
In our last post we talked about how to create a basic garden plan or outline, as well as how to make lists that will help us think through the process of ordering seeds and supplies. By now, some of you are probably already beginning to start your own seeds, …
Plan a Stress-Free Garden in 5 Steps
What would you be eating today if you only ate what you grew in your garden last year? Obviously, we as Americans have the ability to find produce within easy access of our homes, but we know many of you are looking for more personalized, sustainable options this year, and …
Ready to Plant? Vegetable Transplant Care 101
There are quite a few types of vegetables that benefit from an early start. Seeds from tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, celery, cabbage, and artichoke can be started indoors (or in a greenhouse) several weeks before your last frost. This helps extend your growing season and gives you healthy, established plants to put …
Seed Buying 101: What’s on the Packet?
Is anything more exciting than choosing the seeds for your garden? There are so many wonderful varieties to choose from, and the photos and descriptions make each one seem better than the last. But sometimes it can be challenging to figure out what all the different technical terms mean. Do you …
Is It Spring Yet? February Garden Checklist
Depending on where you live, February is the time when most of us are still dealing with cold temperatures and impatiently waiting for spring. Growing zones 5 and below are still too cold to start seeds, and it may seem like there isn’t a lot to do in the garden. …
Native Wildflower Plantings Step-by-Step!
If you’re thinking of adding a field of native wildflowers to your property there are a few steps to take that will help your efforts to succeed! Since Autumn is a great time to plant for spring flowers, it’s the perfect time to begin planning. Prepare your site. You wouldn’t …
Planting A Fall Garden in Summer
One of the best ways to extend your harvest is by planting a second crop to harvest at the very end of the growing season. Many vegetables thrive in the cooler temperatures of early Fall and will perform even better than if they had been planted in the Spring. What are …
How Many Plants Do I Really Need?
How Many Plants Do I Really Need? When starting seeds for a vegetable garden, it’s easy to get swept away in our excitement and plant dozens of each variety. Two months later we’re staring at a sea of plants that need to be transplanted, and there’s not enough room in …
Pre-Soaking And Scarifying Seeds
Pre-Soaking and Scarification To simulate the processes that seeds go through in nature, we sometimes need to take an extra step to help them germinate. We talked about Stratification, or cold treatment in an earlier post. Here we’ll discuss two other methods: pre-soaking and scarification. Scarification No, it isn’t about …
Pre-Treating Seeds To Promote Germination
Pre-treating Your Seeds When we start seeds for our garden, we’re attempting to duplicate the effects of nature. Many seeds in the wild go through a cold period or are nibbled by squirrels or tumbled around in rough soil. If we try to germinate these types of seeds without recreating …
Germination Station – Lighting Your Seedlings
Germination Station – DIY Indoor Seed Starting Putting a few pots of seeds in a sunny South-facing window may be fine, but for those wanting to start enough seeds for a larger garden, we need a Germination Station! The simplest method is to buy a heavy-duty wire shelving unit. This …
What You Need Before You Seed
What You Need Before You Seed – Choosing Containers A trip to any garden center or gardening website can be overwhelming with all the choices offered. Should you start seeds in trays, peat pots, jiffy pellets, or plastic pots? Should you make your own compostable pots with a nifty tool …
10 Best Seed Germinating Ideas
10 Best Seed Germinating Ideas We all have visions of lush gardens dancing in our heads while looking at seeds, and it’s so much fun to pick all the varieties we’ll grow that we can forget there’s work to be done between opening the seed packets and harvesting our bounty! …